Think about Thinking™ Services

  • TaT Members

    • A Plethora of Wisdom to share (Listed Below)



Gain uninterrupted, ad-free browsing (24/7) access to the full Members site, featuring an extensive collection of TaT Resources comprising hundreds of videos, articles, and live interactive experiences. The site is continuously updated to cater to the evolving needs of our members and society.


Participate in live facilitated TaT SESSIONS, where you will engage in interactive sessions aimed at acquiring six positive practices. These sessions not only strengthen unity within the TaT Community but also accommodate extra activities based on the preferences and interests of the members.


Exclusive enrollment in TaT WORKSHOPS, provide a deep dive into specialized concepts and activities designed to enhance your understanding and connection with the world around you. These workshops may be conducted both virtually and, on occasion, as in-person gatherings.

Some of our TaT Workshops are also used as excellent team-building activities for our collective groups as well and help build awareness about our other services too.

“I like TaT a lot. Not everyone gets that we are all linked, one energy, one world. It’s so scary where we are!”

- Lauren Pike, Realtor in Washington State


Constantly growing, adapting and enlarging to best fit the needs of our members.

Member HOME

Shares updates, communicates and provides inspiration to members.

TaT Introduction

This section is for those that are new to the site. It provides information about what is inclusively in the site and suggestions on how to approach them.

Healing Thoughts

This is a place the names and intentions wished for those that our members are wishing healing thought to be sent. Members contact TaT for additions; the list updates monthly.

Positive Practice Videos

Supply unique resources which are divided into 6 different groups and are accompanied with supplementary materials and resource links.

Presentation Videos

Dive into information for a deeper depth of understanding with these videos and includes supportive materials as well.

Physical Health

Ensure inclusive health of our members with suggestions in the essential areas of sleep, eat, exercise and healthy habits.

Event Calendar

Strengthen and support the unity in our full TaT Community through our special online, live, and facilitated (optional) Sessions, Workshops and more.


Gives an understanding of how and why Think about Thinking came to be.


A variety of writings that are intended to get one’s mind pondering about different ideas, aspects or challenges in life.


Provide purchasing links from our Members for related items to TaT to benefit other members and the public.

Click Video Below


Time: 2:07